Who We Are

In 2014, Omri Galili and Guy Ben-Ari embarked on a humble journey fueled by a shared enthusiasm for the digital world. With a vision to create something meaningful, they founded SentrySite. The goal was straightforward: to offer dependable web development and advanced digital solutions that would help businesses navigate the digital landscape.


Starting with a small but dedicated team, Omri and Guy focused on delivering high-quality design and development services. They believed in the power of creativity and practicality, striving to craft digital experiences that were both visually appealing and functionally robust.


SentrySite has always been about more than just building websites. Omri and Guy wanted to provide a comprehensive suite of digital solutions tailored to the unique needs of each client. From developing user-friendly interfaces to ensuring seamless functionality, they worked closely with businesses to enhance their digital presence in meaningful ways.


The journey wasn’t without its challenges, but the SentrySite team remained committed to their core values of quality, innovation, and customer-centricity. They took pride in their work and found satisfaction in seeing their clients succeed. Over the years, this approach has helped SentrySite grow organically, earning the trust of businesses looking for reliable digital solutions.


Omri and Guy’s story with SentrySite is one of steady growth and continuous learning. They remain dedicated to their original mission, always seeking to improve and adapt in the ever-changing digital world. Through their journey, they have learned that success is not about grand achievements, but about the small, consistent efforts that make a lasting impact.

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Years of experience
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Support Services
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Stored Live Websites

Our Digital Expertise

Development & Programming

Our development team specializes in frontend development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, React, jQuery and more), And backend development (PHP, Node.js and more).
The team includes an IT specialist who provides services to work with servers and storage companies, domain management, business email addresses and more. he also sets up the website connection with external systems via APIs (CRM, clearing, e-invoices, newsletters, and more). Our development team has carried out over 100 projects, from corporate websites, through catalog sites and blogs, to the establishment of e-commerce stores and web applications. The development team includes programmers with design expertise, knowledge of working with design software (Photoshop / Illustrator), This allows for clear dialogue and full coordination between the design and development part, which is reflected in the final product.

Powerful UX/UI

In the last two years, we have dedicated research on UX UI. Because our potential clientele spends more hours in front of the screens, their search habits and information consumption have changed. Although the time spent on websites increased, the “patience” of the client has decreased. In designing the user experience, we are trying to find the most accurate target audience of the business, and tailor the experience to it. performs an action in a small number of steps, decrease the page load time as possible, and the most important – improving the conversion rate, meaning, “make” the visitor to perform the action we want him to make, such as purchases, submitting a form, visit our social media page or just call us. This is an area that is changing the face of the technological world and requires the utmost attention.

Professional Specification

One of the most important stages of the project is the specification phase. In fact, the first step, which will dictate the tone of the entire project and in the future affect the productivity and success that the website provides to the business owner. As part of the process, we are getting to know every customer, learn their business, learn their needs, as if we were part of the business and have been working there for years. This way we can create a precise specification, design and unique user experience, which will appeal exactly to the customer audience, his language style and according to his habits. As part of the process, we build the structure tree and draw Wireframes. The specification phase includes the design and user experience, while the screens will be crated according to the user experience that has been designed by our professional team using the chosen color palette and design guidelines.

Full Support Services

The project came out a success, what’s next? You are not alone. The project is done, the website is up and running, always there are changes, updates, and fixes that need to be done. We at SentrySite accompany you throughout. Many of our customers are with us from back in 2014, until these days we are innovating, improving and making sure that the sites are always at the highest level in terms of visibility, browsing speed, user experience and using the leading technology.

More About Us...

In the past years, we have performed dozens of projects that include website specification, design and user experience, development, and providing support services. We provide solutions for businesses that need corporate websites, blogs, e-commerce stores, catalog websites, enterprise interior systems and web applications for unique needs businesses.


Among our customers, you can find leading Israeli companies and corporations, organizations, associations, and public agencies, municipalities and government agencies. We also provide services to customers from the fashion world, real estate and finance, industry and food, medicine, Hitech companies and more.


The magic happens to us from beginning to end “Under one roof”. we are getting to know every customer, learn their business, learn their needs as if we were part of the business and have been working there for years. We do not compromise on the final product, and the most important thing – we are always here for you. For any question, support or consultation. We walk a long way with our customers, they grow with us and us with them. When success is shared, everyone benefits.